


How much does KnowWake cost?

KnowWake is FREE and has more features than you can believe.

Where is KnowWake available?

KnowWake is currently available in over 34 countries and island nations. This includes the United States, Canada, the entire Caribbean, Mexico, South Africa, the United Kingdom, parts of Europe, United Arab Emirates and now Australia and New Zealand! We are always adding new areas so check back here or the app for updates.

Can I use KnowWake on inland bodies of water?

Yes, KnowWake covers over 500 lakes and rivers and includes all of America’s Great Loop and the UK Canal Network.

What if I have bad cell/network service where I am boating?

KnowWake is equipped with Offline Mode and enables everything to work normally even with weak or no service, including the GPS.

KnowWake is crashing or not working properly for me, what should I do?

We want to get KnowWake working for you right away and there’s no reason we can’t. First, try uninstalling KnowWake from your device and downloading the latest version from the app store. If the problem persists, contact us at info@knowwake.com or through any of our social channels with your device type and a brief description of what is happening. We’ll get right back to you.